Thursday, October 25, 2012

Help from abroad?

Hello my darlings!
I've got a few questions for you all that could help me in the next upcoming weeks:

  • What is an easy Halloween costume I can make with mostly just clothes I already have? I don't mind going out an buying a couple of things to finish it off, but keep mind, there aren't any costume/party/halloween stores here, and I'm running pretty short on cash until I get paid. And who knows when that will be? Halloween isn't celebrated here (which is super lame), but us anglophones aren't gonna let that stop us! Suggestions?

  • Where should I visit while I'm in France? I kind of blew it for this upcoming break travel-wise because I did not plan ahead at all. I really wanted to go to Paris and/or Barcelona for this first 2 week break, but by the time I got around to looking up trains and flights, they were pretty costly. In my defense, I had a lot of other things to keep my mind busy this first month besides making travel plans, but I definitely could have put a little more effort into it. That's where you come in! I don't want to mess up all of my travel opportunities while I'm here, so help me out. Where would you go? I will absolutely be going to Paris, Barcelona, and Italy at some point, but besides that, I'm open to suggestions. For this first break, I'm going to try to find cheap train rides to other areas of France that hopefully won't be as expensive. 

  • What are some interesting/important "American"things I simply must tell my students about? It can be anything from holidays, traditions, songs, food, geography, etc. It doesn't matter. If it's something where I can get the kids interested and talking while simultaneously learning about culture, it'll be perfect. I am working on both the presidential elections and Halloween right now. I will absolutely be teaching about Thanksgiving when we come back from break. I'll be the popular teacher that brings in yummy food! But, what are some other things you think are important? I know I'm probably going to miss some things that could lend themselves wonderfully to my lessons. Is there a monument I should talk about? Some different customs? An era of music? I've already taught them that we're not all fatties that carry around guns constantly. What else can I teach them??

Besides using your opinions for my benefit, I haven't been up to too much. Teaching is getting into full swing, so I've been much busier lesson planning and making teaching materials, blah blah blah. I suppose that is why  I'm here, so I guess it's okay. But, I preferred going out with my friends every night. Which reminds me!

  This is Kyle! He is our Bahamamamian! It was brought to my attention that on my blog I only ever talk about my English friends! I've been leaving out our important friend from the Bahamas! I'm not going to tell him I did this. I'm going to wait and see if he sees it (because he secretly reads my blog) and see what he says. This is my apology to you, Kyle for leaving your presence out of my blog for FAR too long. It feels much more complete with you here.

I hope everyone at home is doing well. I miss you all terribly, but don't worry, I'm loving it here at the same time! I wish you could all be here with me though. Keep me updated on your lives please. I can only find out so much through facebook, after all. Thanks for keeping up with me here, it means a lot. And thank you in advance for all of the suggestions I know I'm going to get. (Did that intimidate you into responding?) Yes? Good. A bientot!

1 comment:

  1. Do they have daylight savings time there ??? Just wondering??
